Am750 is a radio streaming which belongs to Grupo Octubre. It has been 10 years on air and is the house of a lot of famous hosts in Argentina. Between 2015-2019 it had a sustained growth in audience and seeks to position itself as one of the most impotant radios. The digital product team is asked to carry out a redesign that allows to increase the digital audience
UX/UI Designer
4 meses
Radio digital Am750
Promote interactions on out website and reduce the bounce rate
Promote the growth of users who listen to AM 750 through the website
Design and develop a websote which satisfy the user needs.
Having a short period of time, we decided to adjust the roadmap considering it a starting point. We define a qualitative methodology, in order to identify the main needs of the users and understand the reason for the behaviors. We only analyze metrics at the beginning of the project to establish hypotheses and goals.
1.Data analysis
2.Define objectives
3. Hypothesis
4.Script and interviews
5.Interviews analysis
The research questions are oriented to define the parameters of the investigation. We start from a general question and then those which are related with the epistemological objectives.
How do 750 listeners interact with the radio website?
People with an emotional connection with the radio. They start listening to it very early in the morning and have it all day on. They identify themselves ideologically with the radio.
Users who have been fans of one of the hosts for years. They listen to their shows regardless of the radio they are on. These users are subdivided into those who identify ideologically and those who are fans of cultural programs in spite of the radio ideology.
They are people who occasionally listen to the radio. They may or may not be ideologically related.
*Based on data
It was decided to carry out individual interviews since we needed to understand the individual experience and the emotional connection with the product, in addition to understanding the reasons for the actions that we saw reflected in the metrics. Individual interviews, allowed people to express more comfortably about their contexts, ideologies and frustrations. We conducted 16 interviews with people who were linked to the hypotesis that we had defined with the metrics.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to conduct interviews remotely. When performing them during the first months of confinement, people were still learning how to use videoconference apps
More than 50% of our users are +55 years old and more than 20% are +65 years old. We estimated that there would be difficulties when trying to conduct interviews virtually
AM750 user being interviewed
“Sometimes I surf the site while listening to the radio”
“Radio is about here and now”
“It's hard for me to read long notes, I'm looking for a summary”
“I prefer short audio segments than to entire programs”
62 years old. Retired
She is retired and listens to the radio since it started. She turns it on in the morning and she turns it off when she falls asleep. She says that she prefers traditional radio, but hers broke and AM radios are not on sale any more.
She gets up very early, almost at dawn. When she's just finished brushing his teeth, turns on the notebook that his son left him and opens the direct access to AM750 website. She press play button and doesn't turn it off until he goes to bed. She sometimes sends messages to the radio for Victor Hugo Morales to read. If she wants to share a fragment of a program, she enter to radio cut website and sends it by whatsapp
43 years old. Teacher
Julián is a high school history teacher at a public school. Although he considers himself progressive, He likes to read different media to be able to find out more about what is happening in the country.
He gets up at 6 am to prepare his class and takes the bus to work. Since he lives a bit far away, he likes reading the news of the day on the trip. Occasionally he listens to the radio but prefers to read short notices because he doesn't have time to listen to a whole show episode.
33 years old. Lawyer
Laura is a self-demanding person. She has been working as a lawyer for 10 years and has managed to grow in her profession. However, she has little time for her. She likes lot reading novels and going to the theater, but unfortunately she doesn't find many spaces for that now.
Laura considers herself as a workaholic person. She would like to have time to read the newspapers but the truth is that she ends up finding out about news from what she listens to in the office. Her favorite moment of her day is when she finally turns off the PC and lies in bed to listen to “Revenge will be terrible”, a show that she listens because a of her mother, who was a fan.
New player
Process: Redesign architecture
Process: Design of userflow to listen to an audio cut
Accessibility report
We reached our goal of 1 million of unique users
We reduce the bounce rate and double the pages per session
We doubled the performance in the Google search results
We achieved growth held on Google News.
A total redesign of the site was carried out, redefining user flows and information architecture.
We considerably improved our indexes of accessibility, reducing errors to “force majeure” situations
Visibility was given to special contents of the site, generating a dynamic cover, achieving greater user interaction with them.