ASPEN radio

UX Research

About the project

Aspen is one of the most popular and loved FMs radios bin Argentina. They have a history of years which gives an account of his experience and love for music. However, the website does not reflect the full potential of the radio. It is confusing and has many usability problems, it does not help promote the new digital content on the radio.

My Role

UX research


2 months


ASPEN radio


  • The content is hard to find. The content hierarchy is not designed.
  • The userflow is not designed, there are different paths and dead ends.
  • The metrics indicate that most people stay at home and there is no interaction with the site.
  • They have great knowledge of their radio audience but not of their users.

Internal objectives


More interactions

Increase the digital radio audience and get more site interactions.


Design website structure

Group all content by types and hierarchies so that it is logical within the architecture of the site. Design a userflow that is consistent and give a satisfactory user experience.


Identify needs and opportunities

Identify the main needs of users and detect opportunities for improvement.

UX Roadmap

At the beginning of the process, we decided to establish the hypotheses and define objectives by analyzing the GA metrics of the radio. To identify user's needs we conducted interviews oriented towards their habits and contexts. Cardsorting was also proposed in order to organize the structure and path of the user on the site.

1.Data analysis

2.Define objectives

3.Hypotesis and interviews

4.Interview analysis


6.Insights and recommendation

Our users*

Loyal user

They had been listening to the radio for years. It may be because she was interested in music or because their parents listened to it when they were young. Aspen is part of her life.

Music Lover

Listens to the radio because wants to learn about music. Is interested in ephemeris and analysis about the music industry.

Occasional user

They are people who listen to have a company while working or doing some daily activity.

*Based on data


We did two rounds of interviews with a script iteration in between. In the first round, 6 users were interviewed (2 per profile) and in the second, 5 users.


We synthesized the information on post-it notes and group it according to the behavioral variables of each person.

They were also grouped by affinity and the pain naturalized by the users were identified.

Group by behaviour

“I searched badly and couldn't find it. maybe in the right place”

“Once happened that I heard a song on the radio and did not know what it was called”

“I don't look for podcasts. I directly enter the radio”

“I look for the ephemerides if I lose them. RadioCut is a help if it is not published on the web”


  • By having the player occupy the entire first screen, it gives the impression of being static, with no content
  • Users are interested in the content of the site, but they can't see it. Normally they play the radio when they are working and don't scroll the site because they are busy with something else.
  • They don't have a search tool to find what happened on air. They think it's their own fault, they try to use other tools
  • They consider time-consuming to find content on the site, such as “research”, and they don't have the time to do it.
  • It is not clear what type of content the radio offers. Users got confused trying to explain what content they like.


Claudia Reyes

38 years old. Administrative.

Who is Claudia?

Claudia attentive and responsible. She works for a medical supplies company. She has a good job performance and is apprecated by her coworkers. She likes to be calm and keep work orderly. In her spare time she listens to music and watches movies.

Marital Status




Socioeconomic level



Claudia likes to listen to music while she's working. For this reason, she usually enters the ASPEN site and has it in the background. She likes pop but she also enjoys listening to rock bands like the Beatles and Queen. Sometimes she reads entries that are posted on the site. She reads only the ones that are about an artist she like.

  • Her life goal is to be able to grow in her job. She would like to earn more money in order to rent a bigger house
  • When she enters the ASPEN is looking for good background music because it helps her focus on her work.
  • Claudia is organized. She doesn't like uncertainty. She's pretty good at using technology. She works with the PC and has social networks.
  • He knows how to play the guitar. She doesn't consider herself a great musician, but when she was a teenager she took a few classes and learned enough to "play a few songs" when she hangs out with her friends.

Martin Abad

52 years old. Teacher

Who is Julián?

Martin is a music lover. He especially likes rock music. When he was young he had his own band, he even met the mother of his children there, as she was a bass player. He considers himself a person with a musical culture, he likes “good music”. He is a sociable person, it is not difficult for him to make friends and meet people. He is a "friendly" person and has a good relationship with everyone.

Marital Status




Socioeconomic level



Listens different type of music bands: The Beatles, Arctic Monkeys, Morrison, Queen, Lafourcade, Sumo, Divided... The list is endless. He likes to watch documentaries about bands. Whenever a new one comes out try to get it to see it. A few years ago he began collecting vinyls, but it is difficult for him because they are expensive. He knows a lot about the history of music and can tell you a thousand anecdotes about his favorite musicians. He likes to go to music shows, which he misses a lot now that the pandemic is here.

  • He likes to learn about music. He enters Aspen website everyday. Once there, he reads the latest news, many of which he already knows because he reads other portals and music journalists he follows on Twitter.
  • What he likes most about ASPEN is the music and the fact that he learns when he listens to the radio. He likes when they tell stories or anecdotes about musicians, which is why he likes podcasts a lot and tries to listen to them when he has free time.
  • Martin is a distracted person. He is good at telling stories and that is why his students love him very much.
  • He can be a bit annoying when he talks because he doesn't quite know when to stop.
  • He knows how to play drums and piano. He wishes that his children would be music lovers too.
  • Music is an important part of his life. He loves to listen music on ASPEN but he also likes to create playlists on Spotify and listen to them. He values that he "discovers" new music bands on that platform.

Patricia Ramírez

70 years old. Retired.

Who is Patricia?

Patricia lives in Hurlingam with her husband. They have been married for more than 40 years. Her children no longer live with her but they go to visit her followed by her, especially the youngest who lives 3 blocks away.

Marital Status




Socioeconomic level



She likes to be at home. She knows everyone in the neighborhood since she talks a lot with the neighbors. She also likes to spend time taking care of her plants and reading her journal. She usually puts ASPEN in the background. Many years ago, she listened to it "through the radio evice" but her children taught her to listen to it directly from the computer. She also uses Facebook, she likes to comment. She and her husband have been listening to this radio since they were young and they are not in Their house if it is not playing in the background. She has the TV on but always on MUTE since she doesn't like to listen to journalists talk. What she likes most about ASPEN is that they play music that she knows or, if she doesn't know them, she still finds music enjoyable.

  • His goal is to live as well as possible and calmly. He loves that his grandchildren visit them and take them for a walk.
  • Patricia is a good listener. She is also sociable. In the neighborhood she is loved because she is always willing to help the neighbors.
  • She's not very good with technology. He has a cell phone, they taught him how to use it but the truth is that he doesn't fully understand it.