2021 Election coverage

UI Design / Usability test

About the project

In 2021, the Legislative Elections were held in Argentina. The request was to design interactives to show the results in real time for the STEP (September) and General (November)

My role

UX/UI Designer


2 months


Página 12 / Am 750 / IP digital

Internal objectives


Communicate complex information

The Argentine legislative elections involve several aspects that are quite complex for people who are not internalized in electoral processes. Our objetive it was communicated in a simple way


Visibility and interactions

Our objective was to create dynamic and interactive pieces to generate greater interactions and visibility on websites.



Improve the audience of Página 12 on election day and compete directly with other media that have been using interactives for years

UI/UX Roadmap

Since we had extremely short time, we decided to divide our roadmap into two instances: The first includes the STEP elections. For them we dedicate ourselves exclusively to the work of synthesizing information and interface design. Once the first are finished, we propose a quantitative analysis with monitoring tools and "guerrilla" testing to implement improvements on November.

1.Studyin electoral process

2.Synthesize information

3.Define users

4.Widget design

5.Guerrilla tests



Página 12 user

These are people who regularly read Page 12. They do not have specific knowledge of the electoral system. They want to see the results in real time.

Expert user

They are people with a deeper interest in the results. They understand about electoral positions either out of interest or because it is part of their job. They want to know as much data as possible.

*Based on hypothesis

information architecture

We carry out a study and organization of the information in order to establish levels of complexity in the data shown and to decide what chart format was better suited to the information we were going to show. The data we wanted to show to our users were:

  • Results of Deputies at the country, province and jurisdiction level.
  • Results of Senators at the country, province and jurisdiction level.
  • Results for the provincial legislatures.
  • Internal results of each party in the PASO.
  • Comparison of each political grouping with the previous election.
  • Comparison of both Houses with the previous election.
  • Variation in each Chamber: Places at stake, won and lost by each political group.
  • Minimum percentage necessary in the PASO to appear in the general elections.
  • For general elections, an illustrated explanation to better understand the process of electing representatives to Congress.

Information typology

First layer

We call "the first layer" to that information that the user needs to understand with a single glance. It is oriented to quick access to information. It does not have much depth in the data.

Second layer

"Second layer" involves those widgets that have detailed information. Consider the user who have time to read and you can go deeper into the data if he/she wants to. It has a great visual impact and invites the user to use it.

Third layer

It involves simple information that is not directly associated with the current election but rather it is intended to provide context. They have less visual hierarchy and are designed to complement informative notes written by journalists.

Widget design

We designed 5 widgets in all and one special embeddable on the front pages and on the internal pages. Each of them aimed to explain a different type of information.

First layer:

Live results (Home)

We needed a widget that could show live results as soon as the user entered the site in order to capture and retain the audience. For this, we decided to make a widget (Horizontal end desktop and vertical on mobile) that would show the candidates that were winning and the percentage of votes.


It is placed at the top, below the navbar and is replicated in all the internal pages of the website

Second layer:

Map and results chamber

The objective of the Map is to be able to show the results by geographic location and give the user a greater depth of data about the elections. It is intended for the user who has more time to navigate and can access more specific data as they interact with the widget.


It is placed as a "full-width" widget at home page


This widget shows the situation of the chambers of Congress. It is possible to compare which party has the majority in each of them and, in turn, see the seats at stake, won and lost.


Toma posición en tamaño full-width y puede ir en la home o en las internas

Third layer:

Comparative visualizations and explainer

The products of this level aim to complement the information within a journalistic note. It has a more illustrative sense and low depth in data.


It is used in internal note. It can be applied anywhere along the length of the text.

Usability tests

For reasons of time, only "guerrilla" tests were carried out aimed at the profile of users linked to journalists. The widgets belonging to the second layer, which are the ones that contained a greater density of information, were tested.

Results and adjustment criteria

Tasks that users couldn't do without help got 40-60% conversion. They were mostly linked to the comparative aspects of information. A 1-5 severity criteria was established to prioritize adjustments.

Guerrilla test
Figma y Maze